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- Coupons are not redeemable for cash.
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- Product discounts cannot be combined. If multiple coupons are entered at checkout, our system will automatically apply the one with the best discount.
- Each coupon has different requirements and rewards. Please read the Terms & Conditions of each coupon. Your purchase must meet all requirements to receive your reward.
- Coupons with a dollar value will be applied to the merchandise subtotal, before any shipping charges or taxes have been charged.
- Sitewide free shipping promotions that do not require a promo code (like "Free Shipping with $39 Purchase") are applied when the subtotal of your order is over the free shipping threshold AFTER all promo codes and discounts have been applied.
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- If you return an item that was purchased with a coupon, you will be refunded only the amount you paid (that is, the price of the item, less the coupon value).
- Unless otherwise specified, coupons can be used only once per order.
- Unless expressly noted, coupons are for online use only and cannot be used in Go! Toys & Games retail stores. Please check the coupon details to determine if the coupon is for online or in-store use only.
- Likewise, Go! Toys & Games in-store promotions are not valid online, unless expressly noted.
- Some brands have policies that don't allow us to discount their products. Coupons cannot be applied to these products, however, the total price will apply to the Free Shipping threshold amount.
- Unless otherwise specified, product discounts cannot be applied to already-discounted, clearance, or sale merchandise.
- Please check the Terms and Conditions of a specific coupon when attempting to use it for any additional exceptions or exclusions.